Welcome! Line Dancing Ladies offers beginner line dancing instruction to women set to Christian or pop and country music.

A series of weekly classes are held starting at the beginning of the month with each class building on the previous week.

New students are accepted the first two classes of each month.

Below you will find information on the upcoming series...

August Classes

Mondays - 8/6, 8/13, 8/20
7:30-8:30pm - Contemporary Christian Music

Thursdays - 8/2, 8/9, 8/16, 8/23
1-2pm - Pop and Country Music

September Classes

Mondays - 9/10, 9/17, 9/24
7:30-8:30pm - Contemporary Christian Music

Thursdays - 9/13, 9/20, 9/27
1-2pm - Pop and Country Music

All classes are held at the Goffstown Recreation Building - 155 South Mast Street Goffstown, NH 03045

The cost for each class is $7.

To register contact Mary Seekell

Call or text - 603-858-5420
Email - linedancingladies(at)gmail.com